
Testing Python with Mockito

November 10, 2020
A significant percentage of writing software is invoking other bits of software that may or may not be in your control. That sounds straightforward, after all most of this code doesn’t even really “do” anything. But as with most things in life, mistakes are made and thus small bugs find their way into your code. Testing is the obvious answer to this problem. Now before you climb your high horse and start pouring out the bucket of arguments on how good coders don’t need to write tests–and definitely not for simple code–, how testing takes too much time, that your boss won’t let you- or whatever other bad excuse (copied-from-some-Quora-answer-you-may-or-may-not-have-found-on-Google) you can bring up; here is why I think unit testing is valuable:..

mockito python unit-testing