render-md-mermaid, a GitHub Action

January 31, 2021
mermaid markdown github

Earlier, I wrote about rendering Mermaid graphs in Markdown on GitHub by invoking a script, possibly using a make target to cover all Markdown files in an entire repository. Since then I’ve used Mermaid diagrams and the script presented in that post in docs for a couple of projects. While the script works great, having to remember to run it or plumb client side automation to do so automatically can be a bit of a hassle.

I had been toying with the idea of putting the script up in a GitHub repository, for easy inclusion as a git submodule, and then realized that turning that into a GitHub Action would be even easier. So, that’s what I did.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions, if you’re new to the term, is GitHub’s workflow system for build automation, continuous integration, or whatever other task you might want to perform in reaction to repository changes. Think of an Action as a small program. Actions are the building blocks of workflows. A few Actions put together in a workflow operate in the same execution environment and have access to the same file system that usually contained a fresh checkout of your repository. Actions combined in a workflow can build your code, run your tests, deploy to staging or production, generate static html and publish your website and now also render Mermaid diagrams in Markdown files.


The Action I built, render-md-mermaid, can be used in any GitHub repository. Put it in a workflow, together with checkout and git-auto-commit and it will automatically render any Mermaid diagram in any Markdown file (if formatted correctly) wherever it runs.

To install it in your repo, add the following yaml configuration to .github/workflows/render-md-mermaid.yml.

name: render-md-mermaid

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Render images for every Mermaid diagram in all Markdown files (*.md) in the repo
        uses: nielsvaneck/render-md-mermaid@v2

      - name: Commit rendered png and svg files
        uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
          file_pattern: "*[.svg,.png]"
          commit_message: automatically rendered mermaid diagrams

This workflow uses GitHub’s checkout action to get the latest copy of your repository, then runs render-md-mermaid on it and finally commits any .svg or .png files that were generated in the process back to the repository.

Under the hood

The render-md-mermaid Action is built using the mermaid-cli Docker image. I had to make some small tweaks to the way the mermaid client is invoked, but the script that does the heavy lifting is able to run stand-alone and in-container.

In the end, the biggest hurdle I ran into was figuring out the correct file_pattern parameter to git-auto-commit. Even though the script should only create image files, I wanted to make sure nothing else gets comitted by accident.

I found the documented examples did not work for my use case where you may have a .svg file but not a .png or vice versa. Ultimately, I found that "*[.svg,.png]" –in double quotes because it starts with a *, a special character in YAML– matches any .svg or .png file that may show up in git status as a result of diagram generation.


My goal is to add some bats tests and if the Action gets some usage, I may play around with ways to pass a stylesheet and configuration to the Mermaid renderer.

For now, I hope this is useful to someone. If so, or if you have suggestions, shoot me a note!


Rendering Mermaid graphs in Markdown on GitHub

January 20, 2021
When writing documentation for software, sooner or later you’re going to hit the point at which a picture will explain in a glance what you would have a hard time describing in the proverbial “thousand words”. While documenting something technical, this usually means diving into the drawing section of whatever editor you’re using and wrangling with lines and boxes until you’re satisfied with your masterpiece or you’ve exhausted your patience with the tool...

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Bye, Wordpress!

January 9, 2021
Last summer, frustrated over the loss of my personal domain, I bought a cute url and set up a Wordpress blog with the intention of sharing some content about what I was working on. Our son was born around the same time and so the site sat idle for a few months, but when I picked up writing back in November, the experience with Wordpress irked me. Wordpress is a fine CMS, it is great for getting a quick blog up and going, but I wanted more control over my content...

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